Monthly Archive:: August 2012

Samsung V. Apple And The Obviousness Standard

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared in TechCrunch. In the wake of Apple’s billion-plus dollar win in their patent suit against Samsung last week, much of the focus appears to be on the flaws in the patent system. Many argue that the suit involved patents that are “obvious,” and that Apple is a bully in enforcing them. [&hellip

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Patents Are Worthwhile For Startups To Pursue In the US, But Not Abroad

Editor’s Note: Please excuse my long layoff from posting to this blog.  Other work-related matters have made focusing on writing difficult.  My latest article appeared in TechCrunch over the weekend, and I think it is very relevant to my audience so I am reblogging here as well. A recent TechCrunch guest post by Jeffrey Shieh suggests that startups [&hellip

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