Monthly Archive:: October 2012

EFF launches new 3D Printing Initiative

A post by Julie Samuels of the Electronic Frontier Foundation details the EFF’s new initiative to identify patent applications on 3D Printing technology and submit prior art applications using the new Third Party Submission provisions created under the America Invents Act.  The idea behind the project is to crowd source prior art searching for the [&hellip

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USPTO provisionally invalidates Apple’s bounceback patent

In the on going battle between Apple and Samsung, FOSS patents reports that the USPTO has issued a non-final office action in the reexamination of Apple’s bounce-back patent No. U.S. Patent No, 7,469,381.  This patent was one of the patents Samsung was found to be infringing in Apple’s billion dollar verdict against Samsung.  While this is clearly [&hellip

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Google Wallet sued for Patent Infringement in Delaware

This afternoon, Google was sued over its Google Wallet smartphone application allegedly infringing U.S. Patent No. 7,298,271 (the ‘271 patent) in the Federal District Court of Delaware.  According to Google, “Google Wallet is a virtual wallet that securely stores your credit and debit cards, offers, and rewards cards. You can tap your phone to pay [&hellip

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Software patents called out in New York Times

This weekend, the New York Times ran an article on patents in the new economy.  There are some interesting bits in there, but it probably isn’t anything new to those already following the patent space.  One quote in the article really got me thinking though: In the smartphone industry alone, according to a Stanford University [&hellip

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